Tuesday, March 6, 2012


So I had to go out and take some pictures of the city basically (Man altered landscapes). Being the great friend Jenny is she came along to keep me company and act excited when I showed her pictures haha. She really is a true friend. Well, I couldn't have all work and no play so I played paparazzi for  a little bit. I really liked this portrait of her. She has both of her necessities in her hands, coffee and her cell phone. I don't know why but I am proud of this picture of her. 
It reminds me of a celebrity photo that you would see in a magazine. One of those pictures that shows they are just everyday average ole people.

This little guy is a stray cat that hangs out in our neighborhood. He is one of the sweetest cats I have every come across. He is a lot like my cat Leo in the way that he loves everyone and will let anyone pet him. 
One feature that I love about him (other than his calmness) is his eyes. Man are the gorgeous. If i didn't already have two cats I would adopt him and his sister. I think it's his sister anyway. They are the same size, resemble each other, and are often found together. 


  1. If photography doesn't work out for you, you can always become a stalker. ha ha

    1. haha that's true I'm good at that. Or maybe even become a stalker for some tabloid. . . that would suck
